Allergy – Top 10!

Itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing…..sounds familiar?  Spring is here and so are your allergies

So what is it?
An allergy is a reaction of your immune system to something that does not bother most other people. People who have allergies often are sensitive to more than one thing. Allergies are relatively common. Both genetics and environmental factors play a role. The immune system normally protects the body against harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. It also reacts to foreign substances called allergens, which are generally harmless and in most people do not cause a problem. But in a person with allergies, the immune response is oversensitive. When it recognizes an allergen, it releases chemicals such as histamines which fight off the allergen.

Spring is a season when may deal with aggravated symptoms. Here are some common dos and don’ts that can help manage your symptoms and enjoy the season

What helps?
1.     Butterbur extract and tablets are widely used as natural treatments for allergies.
2.     Green herbal tea contains antioxidants that reduce over production of inflammatory substance, histamine.
3.     Traditionally, organic natural honey has been prescribed for allergies. The bees eat the pollen that’s in your region of the country, then they produce the honey and you consume that, so it’s kind of like a mini allergy shot.
4.     Including detoxifying spices in your daily diet might help. Turmeric in particular has anti-allergy, immune-balancing effects.
5.     Vitamin C is also believed to help. Citrus fruits like Oranges, Tangerine or Lemons are great natural sources of Vitamin C
6.     Grape seed extract, which can be found in vitamin or health food stores, has been shown to be effective.
7.     Sinus Massage can help relieve symptoms. This massage concentrates on the face, head, neck and ears to move along blocked residue as well as enhance blood flow to get the sinus cavity clear and healthy.
8.     Using a Neti Pot to Clean your Nasal passage with saline solution also seem help many
9.     Several Yoga exercises focused on controlled breathing help relief symptoms of allergy. To name some, Shoulder Stand and the Bridge Pose.
10.  Finally, don’t open your windows. Letting  allergens into your house can aggravate your symptoms significantly.